Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Human Rights Project - Presentation

Yesterday we presented our final human rights project to Professor Ngugi and three representatives from Loitokitok Village, where we conducted our research.
The presentation was about our suggested "Learning Resource Center." (Again, these are humble recommendations and observations only, with the focus being on leadership and impetus from the local village.) The center would include a "home environment," draw on community resources, and collaborate with local "community-based organizations." It would in theory include a library, health center, and counseling and mentorship program. We emphasized that it is the community's project, but that we are standing by to assist with grants, fundraising, and connections as desired and appropriate.
The presentation was a big success - both our professor and the community members were very pleased. We feel this is the beginning of a long partnership, and it is very exciting!
Above, I have attached photos from the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC grounds, where I have been interning). The 2nd photo is from a poster in the KHRC lobby (if you are interested in expansion on this topic, I am happy to share my finally paper with you).
With kindest regards and warm wishes from Kenya!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mariah! I'm on the deck at 9 pm being eaten by mosquitoes~ so this is a brief, "I have so enjoyed reading your thoughts, heartfelt observations and experiences, and wish you a safe return and bonded last days at this place you clearly have flourished in."
    Talk to you soon, Mom
